Friday, January 14, 2011

5 Things, Part 4

Dear Gibson,

Proud Moment #4:
You learned to make the best of a less-than-perfect situation! 

Exhibit A:  Since I work a few days a week, you and Georgia go to daycare after school each day.  For the longest time, you would cry and throw a fit whenever you found it was a daycare day.  It was everything I could do to even get you out of bed on those days.  You dreaded it.  I'm still not quite sure why!  But, towards the end of the summer, I had a very serious chat with you about the reasons that you went to daycare, and the importance of my job for our family.  I explained that you needed to be an example for your sister, and try and have a positive attitude.  I shared some experiences about how sometimes it's hard for me to go to work - I really don't want to, but I have to!  It's my responsibility.  And being nice at daycare was your responsibility.  After that, on daycare days, I could tell that you still weren't that happy about it but you tried very hard to be a big boy.  You make a great improvement, and it made our mornings go much more smoothly. 

Exhibit B:  You really hate the fact that daddy and I stay up later than you.  Every night, it was a battle to get you to bed without crying.  Sarcastically, you would say, "Have fun staying up, mom."  Like I was doing it to punish you and got some kind of satisfaction from your misery.  When I'd had enough, I sat you down for another big-boy chat.  I told you a story about how when daddy and I first got married, we got to spend a lot of time together.  When you were born, we still spent time together, but we were a family so most of our time was spent taking care of you.  Now that we have 2 kids and jobs and school, it is really important that we get to spend time just the 2 of us.  And sometimes, I just need time to be Brittney.  Not a mommy, or a wife, or an employee.  Just...Brittney.  You finally understood!  Now, if I ask you why it's important that you go to bed on time, you say, "So you can just be Brittney and not Mommy."  I love it.

It is so nice that you are getting old enough to understand more "grown-up" ideas.  I forget sometimes that you are capable of understanding and I still talk to you like you're a baby.  But I promise that this year, when you're six, I will try really hard to treat you like that mature little baby big boy that you are.

Only one more day! 

Love you,

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